Today I will discuss my first use case example. The objective is the creation of a dynamic talk-track for out-bound calling agents. In this particular case, the company I'm talking to has a call center where they call their prospects and walk them through a list of offers. The current state has the agent essentially walk through all the offers sequentially, hoping that we get to an offer that the prospect is interested in before the prospect calls it quits.
So, what we want to do is create a system that in real-time evaluates what we know about the prospect up to that point (including information gathered during the call) and what the best possible offer is given that information. The proposed system is diagrammed in the figure below.
This system - which has been set up in pilot form - allows business analysts to implement and modify the business logic to select the next optimal offer entirely independent of the calling agents. Additionally and extra level of independence is achieved by making the web content, in this case the offers, entirely database driven. This is a significant benefit, because it means that the content can be modified by simply changing fields in a database, rather than having to engage in web-page coding.
Because the decisioning can use any of the data that is stored in the prospect database in real-time fashion, and because data is saved into the database during the conversation with the prospect, the system becomes a dynamic optimizer of agent talk tracks. It is anticipated that this solution will at least double the revenue generated from this particular endeavor.